Channel: Amymarie Gaertner
Category: Entertainment
Tags: freestyledancingpoppingglidingashtraygroovemarian hillmarshmelloamymariedownn.e.r.dgood vibeslemonjustin timberlakeget busytuttinghip hopfridayfornite emotesdancevinegirl dancinggood vibe tribeeditwavingmoonwalkfreestyle danceonly ufriendsanimationdancerend of timesean paullil mamaashantilipglossamymarie gaertner
Description: HAPPY FRIDAY! (although I like to treat every day as if it were Friday...) Here are some grooves I hope will spread a smile to you all and of course make ya wanna get up and dance like it's the weekend! COMMENT #GoodVibeTribe so I can see who's all in our Tribe! Make sure to give this video a THUMBS UP if you're ready for more dance videos! Peace, love & spread good vibes! -XO, Amymarie _______________________________________________________________ join the GOOD VIBE TRIBE & lets be friends on social media!! :) My official links are: Instagram - Twitter- Snapchat- Facebook- @ amymariegaertner